Proceedings The 3nd International Allied Health Students Conference (IAHSC) - Desember 2023

The 3rd International Allied Health Students Conference 2023
“Innovation and Future Prospect in Health for Well-being”
Keynote Speakers :
1. Prof. Dr. drh. NLP. Indi Dharmayanti, M.Si (Head of Health Research Organization, National Research and Innovation Agency) : Health research innovation in Indonesia
2. Prof. Dr. Toni Toharudin, S.Si., M.Sc (Head of The Agency for Higher Education Services of Jakarta Region III, Ministry of Education and Cultural RI) :The roles of research in students’ capacity development
Plenary Speaker :
1. Dr. Susi Hartati, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.An. (Head of STIKes Mitra Keluarga, Indonesia/Forum Rektor Indonesia) :Update on health research innovation in higher education
2.Dr. Ir. Raphael Aswin Susilowidodo, ST, M.Si, CIP, IPU (Vice President of R&D, Regulatory, Medical Affairs, PT SOHO Global Health) : Product innovation for well-being
3. Prof. Lisa Mc.Kenna (Department of Nursing and Midwifery, La Trobe University, Australia) : Understanding experiences and well being of internationally qualified health professionals
4. Dr. Norhayati binti Abd.Hadi (Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia) : Honey and Health
5. Assistant Prof. Dr. Sathaporn Ngamukote (Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University) : Updates on Protein Alternatives Innovations and Market Opportunities
6. Prof. Lin Chiou-Feng (Department of Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan) : Effectively assist physicians to determine the opportunity of the critical disease diagnosis and precise treatment
7. Marieke G. G. Sturkenboom, PharmD., PhD (Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology, University of Groningen, the Netherlands) : Innovation in clinical pharmacy service to improve medication safety
8. Dr. Imami Nur Rachmawati, S.Kp., M.Sc (Department of Nursing, University of Indonesia) : Innovative maternity nursing humanist service transformation framework
9. Ns. Lina Herida Pinem, S.Kep., M.Kep (Department of Nursing, STIKes Mitra Keluarga) : Improving the application-based independent maternal welfare monitor
10. Harry Freitag Luglio Muhammad, S.Gz., M.Sc, RD, PhD (PT. GIZI GAMA) : Updates on beneficial effect of nutrient and functional foods for pregnant mothers
11. Guntari Prasetya, S.Gz., M.Sc (Department of Nutrition, STIKes Mitra Keluarga) : Updates on stunting prevention and the risk of non-communicable disease
12. Prof. Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si (Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang) : Diabetic wound infections: detection and treatment with biochemical compound
13. Ria Amelia, S.Si., M.Imun (Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, STIKes Mitra Keluarga) Innovative method of the 5% erythrocyte viability solution to cut the blood group examination time
14. Prof. Dr. apt. Anton Bahtiar, M.Biomed. (Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Universitas Indonesia) : Development of pearl grass for osteoarthritis: preclinical and clinical studies
15. apt. Maya Uzia Beandrade, M.Sc (Department of Pharmacy, STIKes Mitra Keluarga) : Update on drug delivery systems-based on Nanotechnology
The Board of Committee
Steering Committee
1) Dr. Susi Hartati, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.An
2) Prof. Dr. Ir. Hardinsyah, MS, PhD. (IPB University and PERGIZI PANGAN, Indonesia)
3) Dr. Norhayati binti Abd.Hadi (Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia)
4) Ns. Rohayati, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom
5) drg. Elizabeth Setyodewi, M.M.
6) Ns. Lina Herida Pinem, S.Kep. M.Kep.
7) Ns. Lastriyanti, S.Kep., M.Kep.
Organizing Committee
Person-in-Charge : Afrinia Eka Sari, S.TP., M.Si.
Chairperson : Guntari Prasetya, S.Gz., M.Sc
Vice Chairperson : Noor Andryan Ilsan, M.Si., PhD
Secretary : 1 . apt. Nofria Rizki Amalia Harahap, M.Farm
2. Windi Antika, SE
Finance : 1 . Rika Cahyani, S.M.
. 2. Prisilia Yunia Tama, S.M.
Program Committee :
1) Tri Marta Fadhilah, S.Pd., M.Gizi
2) Maulin Inggraini, S.Si., M.Si
3) Reza Anindita, S.Si., M.Si.
Scientific Committee :
1) Ns. Renta Sianturi, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.J.
2) Lita Heni Kusumawardhani, M.Kep., Ns., Sp.Kep.Kom
3) M. Nur Hasan Syah, S.Gz., M.KM
4) Arindah Nur Sartika, S.Gz., M.Gizi
5) Dr. Florentinus Dica Octa Riswanto
6) Dr. apt. Dita Maria Virginia
7) Noor Andryan Ilsan, S.Pd., M.Si., Ph.D
8) Ria Amelia, S.Si., M.Imun
9) Meti Kusmiati, M.Si
Publication and Logistics Committee
1) apt. Melania Perwitasari, M.Farm
2) Ns. Edita Astuti Pandjaitan, M.Kep.
3) Elfira Mayasari, S.Si., M.Si
4) Noerfitri, SKM., MKM
5) Ns. M. Chaidar, M.Kep.
6) Ns. Joni Siahaan, M.Kep
7) apt. Dede Dwi Nathalia, M.Farm.
8) Alita Syahamah, A.Md.Gz
9) Finondang Oktovianus, S.Kom
10) Ersalina Nashuha, S.E
11) Siti Yulaikah, A.Md
12) Nisa Allifia, SM
Moderator :
1) Ns. Rohayati, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom
2) Guntari Prasetya, S.Gz., M.Sc
3) Ns. Nancy Susanita, M.Kep
4) Noor Andryan Ilsan, M.Si., PhD
5) Intan Kurnia Putri, S.Si., M.Sc
6) Afrinia Ekasari, STP., M.Si
Editor of Proceeding :
1) Ns. Nancy Susanita, M.Kep
2) Guntari Prasetya, S.Gz., M.Sc
3) Maulin Inggraini, S.Si., M.Si
4) Reza Anindita, S.Si., M.Si
5) Prof. Junshan Chang (Faculty of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)
6) Dr. Norhayati binti Abd. Hadi (Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia)
Student Committee:
1) Suci Nur Aziza
2) Anggita Dwi Aulia
3) Salsabila Ranmika Sari
4) Ezri Yohanna Gultom
5) Rana Salsabila
6) Fhasya Algina Hawatul Haq
7) Mutiara Fatika Sari
8) Syarifah Fauzyah
9) Astrida Fitriani
10) Najla Talitha Putri Gobel
11) Najwa Keumala
12) Fadya Amanda Firdaus
13) Jonathan Anggiat Lambot