The Effect of Body Image and Pocket Money on Food Choice Attitudes in Obseous Adolescents In Surakarta


  • Afifah Istiqomah Department of Nutrition Science, Sebelas Maret University,Surakarta, Indonesia.
  • Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Department of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University,Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Sri Mulyani Vocational School, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia.


Adolescent, Body Image, Food selection attitude, Obesity, Pocket money


Obesity is a condition of nutritional status due to the accumulation of fat in the body, which causes social and emotional problems. Said to be obese if the body weight is more than 20% of the ideal body weight. In obese adolescents, physical appearance becomes important. The assessment called body image is a feeling of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the state of the body and its appearance. Furthermore, in giving pocket, money is a tool in the attitude of choosing food. The greater or higher the pocket money received will support a person in the activity of consuming food or drinks. In adolescents, there can be an increased risk of obesity due to the consumption of foods with low nutrition, high fat, and high carbohydrates. The objective of this study is to know whether there is an influence of body image and pocket money on food selection attitudes in obese adolescents. Methods: Cross-sectional research design. The study population was adolescents of SMAN 6, SMAN 8, and SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta, with a sample of 48 respondents. The sampling technique used purposive sampling and quota sampling. Data analysis using multiple linear regression test. Results: The multiple linear regression analysis test obtained a p-value of 0.150>0.05. Furthermore, body image and pocket money together affect the attitude of food selection by 8.1%. The remaining 91.9% is influenced by factors not examined in this study. Conclusion: There is no influence between body image and pocket money on the attitude of food selection in obese adolescents in Surakarta City. 


