The Relationship Between Utilization of the Maternal Child Handbook (MCH) with The Health Status of Pregnant Women at the Pengasinan Health Center in Bekasi City 2023


  • Fardilla Rochman Utami Department of Nursing, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mitra Keluarga
  • Edita Astuti Panjaitan Department of Nursing, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mitra Keluarga
  • Lina Herida Pinem Department of Nursing, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mitra Keluarga, Bekasi, Indonesia


: Utilization of MCH handbook, health status of pregnant women, pregnancy


Introduction: Mother Mortality Rate (MMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), which continue to increase, make the government take various ways to reduce these rates. Utilization of the MCH handbook is one of the government's efforts to suppress MMR and IMR. From the results of the preliminary study, it is known that many mothers still rarely read their MCH books, and some mothers have risks in their pregnancies. Objective: To identify the relationship between using MCH handbooks and maternal health status at Pengasinan Bekasi Community Health Center 2023. The method of this research uses quantitative research methods. This research design uses a cross-sectional design to determine the correlation between the use of MCH handbooks and the mother's health status. The population was 95 respondents. The sample in this research was taken using a purposive sampling technique. After calculating using Issac Michael's formula, the sample size was 76 respondents. The data normality test was carried out, and the p-value of the Kolmogorov test was 0.000 ≤ α (0.05). It was stated that the data distribution was not expected, so the bivariate test used was the Spearman correlation test. The result of this research is a relationship between the variable utilization of MCH handbooks and the health status of mothers at the Pengasinan Community Health Center with p value 0.028 ≤ α (0.05). The direction of the relationship obtained from the value of r is 0.253, which is positive, meaning that the higher the utilization of the respondent's MCH handbook, the higher the health status and vice versa


