Proceedings The 2nd International Allied Health Students Conference (IAHSC) - Oktober 2022

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The 2nd International Allied Health Student Conference (IAHSC) 2022

“Health Innovation for Strengthening Global Health”

Keynote Speaker

Ir. Budi Gunadi Sadikin, CHFC, CLU (Indonesian Minister of Health)

Speaker :  

Prof. Thierry Pierre Robert Burnouf (College of Biomedical Engineering, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan) : “Human Platelets for regenerative medicine”

Dr. Susi Hartati, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.An. (Head of STIKes Mitra Keluarga, Indonesia/Forum Rektor Indonesia) : “Update on health innovation in higher education ”

Agustina Maya S.Si, Apt (Pharma Business Development at Kalbe) : “Product innovation in Kalbe: past, future, and challange”

Prof. Naohiro Hohashi (Division of Family Health Care Nursing, Graduate School of Health Science, Kobe University) : “Theory-based family nursing during the coronavirus pandemic”

Prof. Sirichai Adisakwattana (Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,
Chulalongkorn University) : “Butterfly pea flower: a potent source of bioactive anthocyanin-rich diet”

Dr. Is Helianti, M.Sc (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional) : “Application of recombinant enzymes in
pharmacy and health industry”

Prof. Abu Syed Md. Mosaddek (Department of Pharmacology, Uttara Adhunik Medical College, Bangladesh) : “Bioequivalence Studies in Bangladesh: Prospects and Challenges”

Prof. Dr. Roro Tutik S. Hariyati, S.Kp., MARS (Department of Nursing, University of Indonesia)

Ns. Yeni Iswari, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.An (Department of Nursing, STIKes Mitra Keluarga) : “Innovation updates on pedicatric nursing”

Dr. Siti Helmyati (Department of Health Nutrition, Universitas Gadjah Mada) : “Fermented food for preventing stunt growth in child”

Afrinia Eka Sari, S.TP, M.Si (Department of Nutrition, STIKes Mitra Keluarga) : “Updates on Innovation in functional food” 

Retno Martini Widhyasih, S.Si, M.Bioimed, M.Kes  (Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Poltekkes Kemenkes III Jakarta): “Yoghurt as a food supplement improves immune system: prospect and application”

Maulin Inggraini, S.Si, M.Si (Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, STIKes Mitra Keluarga) : “Updates on microbiological tools in healthcare

Prof. Dr. Zeily Nurachman, M.S (Department of Chemistry, Institut Teknologi Bandung) : “Prospect and application of microalgae as antioxidant source”

Reza Anindita, S.Si, M.Si (Department of Pharmacy, STIKes Mitra Keluarga) : “Start up application on infectious disease study in higher education”

                                                   THE BOARDS
Advisory Board
1) Head of STIKes Mitra Keluarga, Dr. Susi Hartati, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.An.

Steering Committee
1) Josephine Diony Nanda MD, Ph.D (Taipei Medical University)
2) Mella Ferania Ph.D (Yamaguchi University)
3) drg. Elizabeth Setyodewi, M.M. (STIKes Mitra Keluarga)
4) Ns. Lisbeth Pardede, M.Kep. (STIKes Mitra Keluarga)
5) Ns. Lina Herida Pinem, M.Kep. (STIKes Mitra Keluarga)
6) Afrinia Ekasari, S.TP., M.Si. (STIKes Mitra Keluarga)

Organizing Committee
A. Chairperson : Noor Andryan Ilsan Ph.D
B. Vice Chairperson : Ns.Anung Ahadi Pradana, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom.
C. Secretary : Elfira Maya Sari, S.Si., M.Si.
D. Finance : Sri Pangestuti
                      Natalia Siagian S.E.

E. Program Committee
1) Ns.Rohayati, M.Kep.,Sp.Kep.Kom.
2) apt.Melania Perwitasari, M.Sc.
3) Siti Nurfajriah, S.Pd., M.Si.
4) Arindah Nur Sartika, S.Gz., M.Gizi.

F. Scientific Committee & Reviewer
1) Josephine Diony Nanda MD, Ph.D (Medical Science, Taipei Medical University)
2) Ns. Edita Astuti Panjaitan M.Kep (Nursing, STIKes Mitra Keluarga)
3) Noerfitri SKM, MKM. (Nutrition, STIKes Mitra Keluarga)
4) Reza Anindita, S.Si., M.Si. (Pharmacy, STIKes Mitra Keluarga)
5) Apt. Dede Dwi Nathalia, M.Farm (Pharmacy, STIKes Mitra Keluarga)
6) Noor Andryan Ilsan, M.Si., Ph.D. (Medical Science, STIKes Mitra Keluarga)
7) Ria Amelia, M.Imun (Medical Science, STIKes Mitra Keluarga)

G. Publication & Logistics Committee
1) Ns. Edita Astuti Pandjaitan, M.Kep.
2) apt.Dede Dwi Nathalia, M.Farm.
3) Finondang Oktovianus, S.Kom.

H. Student Committee
1) Miyuki esther K.I.S.H as a Master of ceremony (Department of Nursing 1st grade)
2) Fhasya Algina Hawatul Haq as a Master of ceremony (Department of Medical Laboratory Technology )
3) Syarifah Purbaningrum (Department of Pharmacy )
4) Anisa Noviana Herlambang (Department of Nursing )
5) As syifa putri zulaicha (Department of Nutrition )
6) Syarifah Fauziyah (Department of Pharmacy )
7) Elda Mariyani (Department of Nursing )
8) Salsabila (Department of Medical Laboratory Technology )
9) Devy Mirnawaty (Department of Nutrition )



Published: 2022-10-31
