Analysis Of Rhodamin B In Blush On Sold On Markerplace X Using Tlc Method (Thin Layer Chromatography)


  • Anggi Nesia Anjani Department of pharmacy, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mitra Keluarga
  • Melania Perwitasari Department of pharmacy, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mitra Keluarga
  • Intan Kurnia Putri Department of pharmacy, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mitra Keluarga
  • Reza Anindita Department of pharmacy, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mitra Keluarga


Mobile phase, Cosmetic, Rhodamine B, Blush on, Thin Layer Chromatography


Introduction: Blush on is a cosmetic to color the cheeks with various colors such as red, pink, to peach. The use of
blush on is often misused by adding harmful dyes such as Rhodamine B. The impact of Rhodamine B can cause skin
irritation and respiratory tract, and it is a carcinogen if continuously exposed and accumulates in the body; therefore,
it is necessary to research the detection of Rhodamine B content in blush on cosmetic sold on Marketplace X. Method:
Identification of Rhodamine B by optimizing the mobile phase using the Thin Layer Chromatography method. The
design of this research is experimental with a purposive sampling technique and samples are taken according to the
criteria: Red and Pink color, imported products, solid powder with a price range of Rp. 5000–25,000,does not have a
notification number from National Agency of Drug and Food Control. Data analysis using Rf and Rs values obtained.
Results: 12 samples of blush on using TLC method with optimal mobile phase mixture of n- Butanol: Ethanol 96%:
Aquadest (20:12:15), Samples that were positive for Rhodamine B produced round/elliptical and tailless stains. Visually
it shows a bright pink color, and under UV light, 254 nm and 366 nm fluoresces yellow ororange. Sample A3 has an
average Rf value 0.79 and Rs 3.02. Sample A4 average Rf value 0.77 and Rs 2.35. Sample A6 has an average Rf value
of 0.68 and an Rs of 2.02. Sample A7 has an average Rf value of 0.76 and an Rs of 2.19. Sample A8 average Rf value
of 0.69 with an Rs value of 2.69. Sample A11 has an average Rf value of 0.68 and an Rs of 4.23, and sample A12 has
an average Rf value of 0.69 with an average Rs value of 1.73. Conclusion: 7 on of 12 samples blush on contain
Rhodamin B


