Synergistic potential of the combination mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia l.) And kelor leaves (Moringa oleifera) powder as functional food rich in flavonoids and fiber: analysis and systematic literature review


  • Alfian Abdul Rajab Department of f Nutrition Science, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia.
  • Adi Magna Patriadi Nuhriawangsa Department of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
  • Setyo Sri Rahardjo Department of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia


assisted reproductive technology, family care/caring theory, family support, infertility, literature review


Introduction: Mengkudu and kelor leaves have the potential as herbal plants that can be used for disease therapy because they have high flavonoids and fiber and can have a synergistic effect. But studies using a combination of the two have not been conducted. The purpose of this study is to determine the content of flavonoids and fiber on mengkudu and kelor leaves powder to determine the synergistic potential and compare it with previous studies in a systematic literature review
Method: The materials used are mengkudu powder and kelor leaves powder obtained from the drying process, flavonoid content analysis test using the UV-Vis Spectrophotometry method, and the fiber test using the multienzyme method or according to the AOAC guidelines and carried out a systematic literature review.
Results: The two ingredients have their advantages and disadvantages. Where kelor leaves powder has a flavonoid content (2.49 g /100 grams) 3.7 times greater than the mengkudu powder, which is only 0.67 g /100g. Mengkudu powder has the advantage of its fiber content of 26.61 g /100 grams and 1.4 times higher when compared to kelor leaves powder which is only 19.86 g /100 grams. A systematic literature review showed the highest fiber content in mengkudu in powdered extracts, which was 48.55 to 49.26 %, while flavonoids in fermented mengkudu juice were 36.73 mg /100 ml. The highest fiber and flavonoid content in dried kelor leaves or powder is a dietary fiber of 24.97 g /100 g DW and flavonoids are 21.21%.
Conclusion: Combining mengkudu and kelor leaves powder can be used as a way to create complementary products that are rich in flavonoids as well as fiber and cause the expected synergistic effect. Previous research that used the type of processing was powdered was closest to the results of the analysis of this research.


